Family - members
Family - my siblings
Body - parts of the body
Body - the head
Body - hair colour and style
People - portraits
People - appearance
People - clothes 1
People - clothes 2
People - jobs
People - health problems
Animals - pets
Animals - farm
Activity - daily routine
Activity - hobbies
Activity - sports
Activity - holidays
Food - fruit
Food - vegetables
Food - groceries
Food - restaurant
Food - drinks and snacks
Home - my room
Home - rooms in the house
Home - helping at home 1
Home - helping at home 2
Home - in the garden
School - classroom objects
School - subjects
School - activities
Place - where I live
Place - homes
Place - shops
Place - meeting places
Place - places in town
Go - means of transport
Go - on holiday
Go - which way?
Go - where?
World - European countries
World - environment
World - weather
Time - what time is it?
Time - spring and summer
Time - autumn and winter
Numbers - 1 to 10
Numbers - 11 to 20
Numbers - to 100 (1)
Numbers - to 100 (2)
Grammar - adjectives 1
Grammar - adjectives 2
Grammar - verbs 1
Grammar - verbs 2
Grammar - prepositions 1
Grammar - prepositions 2
DUCK SHOOT is a fairground themed game of knocking ducks off the rail to score points
DUCK SHOOT is a fun game to learn Russian where you attempt to knock over all the fairground ducks in each level. In the first level there are only 6 ducks but by level 10 there are 24 fast moving quackers quacking.
After each level, win an additional 20 points by correctly answering a Russian question from your selected topic. There is no timer in this game: take as long as you like to answer the Russian questions correctly for a best score to get you on the DUCK SHOOT leaderboard.
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